The Impact Of Nutrition On Your Joint Replacement – Why It Matters Pre & Post-Op

The Impact Of Nutrition On Your Joint Replacement - Why It Matters Pre & Post-Op post

Orthopaedic surgeries like knee replacement require a lot of planning and preparation, including steps toward proper nutrient intake. Each stage of the process, from the weeks leading up to surgery to the days following the procedure, requires specific diets to help support the body when healing. Learn more about the impact of nutrition on your joint replacement procedure before scheduling your consultation appointment with Orthopaedic Medical Group of Tampa Bay.

The Effects of Proper Nutrition Alongside Joint Replacement Surgery

While physical activities like exercises and physical therapy (PT) are crucial in maintaining muscle strength before and after joint replacement surgery, nutrition also plays a crucial role in preparing and supporting the body throughout the entire process. The right nutrients can aid in preserving your muscles, maintaining strength, and lessening the effects of muscle loss while resting. Your nutrition plan should include the various food groups that are suggested by your practitioner, but hydrating your body with water (at least 8 cups a day) is also important. This is because muscle fibers aren’t able to recover while dehydrated.

The Consequences of Neglecting Proper Nutrition

Your specialist will guide you through the steps of proper nutrition before and after joint replacement surgery, but should you choose to neglect your dietary plan, there are certain consequences that may follow. For instance, malnourishment could lead to an extended recovery time and a higher possibility of complications. A lack of protein in senior patients around the time of surgery could result in muscle atrophy. For a seamless and successful joint replacement, it’s best to closely follow the dietary plan presented to you by your practitioner.

The Timing of Diet Plans Pre and Post-Operation

Patients are expected to follow specific diet plans during each stage of their joint replacement surgery:

  • The few weeks leading up to surgery
  • The night before surgery
  • The day of the surgical procedure

Be sure to follow dietary instructions carefully according to the timeline of your procedure. For example, prioritize high protein intake in the weeks before your surgery to assist with soft tissue recovery after surgery.

The Role of Rehabilitation After Surgery

The actions taken after joint replacement surgery can have a direct impact on your healing journey. Taking in the appropriate nutrients will be critical during this time, but you may also be expected to partake in certain rehabilitation protocols.

A Review of Vital Nutrients In a Diet Plan

The goal of a pre and post-op nutrition plan is to prepare the body for surgery, and every type of nutrient serves a different yet vital role in achieving this goal:

  • Protein and amino acids work to mitigate the stresses of surgical procedures while supporting muscle strength in recovery. Examples of healthy sources of protein include eggs, fish, beans, and lean meat.
  • Vitamin C and iron intake surrounding surgery can promote blood cell regeneration and reduce the chances of anemia. This can be found naturally in a high protein diet following surgery.
  • Calcium can aid the body during surgical procedures by supporting bone mass and preventing blood clots.
  • Fiber from healthy sources (such as whole grains and produce) can reduce the risk of constipation which can occur during the inactivity that comes with rest or the side effects of post operative pain medication.

Types of Food to Avoid Around Joint Replacement Surgery

Similar to any healthy diet, some foods to avoid surrounding surgery include excessive amounts of sugar, salt, caffeine, and alcohol. Consuming any of these foods, especially in large quantities, around your joint replacement procedure can result in adverse effects and either slow down or reverse the healing process. Ask your practitioner about suggestions regarding limited consumption of these foods.

Let Our Team Guide You Through Joint Replacement Planning

At Orthopaedic Medical Group of Tampa Bay, our caring team will work closely with you to curate your dietary plan for the days leading up to your joint replacement surgery. We will guide you every step of the way to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Contact your nearest location to schedule your consultation.

By: Orthopaedic Medical Group of Tampa Bay