Informed Decisions: Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Shoulder Surgery

Informed Decisions: Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Shoulder Surgery post

Written by Dr. Bryan Butler


Preparing for shoulder surgery can be an intimidating experience, filled with uncertainties and questions about what to expect. One of the most crucial steps in the pre-surgical process is having an open and informed discussion with your surgeon. By asking the right questions, you can gain clarity, alleviate concerns, and empower yourself to make informed decisions about your treatment plan. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a range of questions to consider asking your surgeon before undergoing shoulder surgery, ensuring that you feel confident and prepared for the road ahead.

1. What Type of Shoulder Surgery Do You Recommend?

Understanding the specific type of shoulder surgery recommended by your surgeon is essential for gaining insight into your treatment plan. Ask your surgeon to explain the rationale behind their recommendation and how it aligns with your diagnosis and individual needs.

– Clarify the type of surgery, whether it’s a total shoulder replacement, arthroscopic procedure, or another intervention.

-Inquire about the surgery’s goals and what outcomes you can expect in terms of pain relief, mobility improvement, and functional restoration.

2. What Are the Risks and Complications Associated with the Procedure?

Every surgical procedure carries inherent risks, and it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of potential complications before consenting to surgery. Ask your surgeon to outline the risks associated with the specific procedure you’ll be undergoing and how they plan to mitigate them.

Discuss common risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, nerve injury, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

– Inquire about any specific risks related to your medical history, such as diabetes, heart disease, or prior shoulder surgeries, and how they may affect your surgical outcome.

3. What Is the Recovery Process Like?

Understanding the recovery process is essential for setting realistic expectations and planning for post-operative care. Ask your surgeon to walk you through the typical recovery timeline, including milestones, restrictions, and anticipated challenges.

– Inquire about the expected length of hospital stay, if any, and whether the procedure will be performed as an outpatient or inpatient.

– Discuss post-operative pain management strategies, rehabilitation protocols, and when you can expect to resume normal activities, driving, and work.

4. What Are the Alternatives to Surgery?

Before proceeding with surgery, it’s important to explore alternative treatment options and understand their potential benefits and limitations. Ask your surgeon about nonsurgical approaches to managing your shoulder condition and how they compare to surgical intervention.

– Inquire about conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medications, corticosteroid injections, and regenerative therapies like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or stem cell therapy.

– Discuss the pros and cons of each alternative, including their efficacy, potential side effects, and impact on long-term shoulder health.

5. What Is Your Experience and Success Rate with This Procedure?

Choosing a surgeon with extensive experience and a proven track record of success can instill confidence and peace of mind. Ask your surgeon about their experience performing the specific procedure you’ll be undergoing and their success rate in achieving favorable outcomes.

– Inquire about the number of procedures the surgeon has performed, their complication rates, and their patient satisfaction scores.

6. What Can I Do to Optimize My Surgical Outcome?

Active participation in your care and preparation can significantly impact your surgical outcome and recovery. Ask your surgeon for guidance on steps you can take before surgery to optimize your health and enhance your chances of a successful outcome.

– Discuss lifestyle modifications such as smoking cessation, weight management, and exercise routines that can improve surgical outcomes and reduce complications.

– Inquire about pre-operative testing, medications to avoid, and dietary restrictions to follow in the days leading up to surgery.

– Inquire about any pre-operative exercises specific to the shoulder that may help increase your strength or mobility leading up to surgery, to expedite your recovery after surgery.

7. How Will You Address Pain Management During and After Surgery?

Effective pain management is essential for minimizing discomfort and promoting a smooth recovery after shoulder surgery. Ask your surgeon about their approach to pain management during the procedure and what strategies will be employed to control pain post-operatively.

– Inquire about the use of regional anesthesia techniques, nerve blocks, and intraoperative pain management protocols to reduce pain during surgery.

– Discuss post-operative pain management options, including oral medications, regional anesthesia, and alternative therapies like cold compression or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).

8. What Can I Expect in Terms of Scarring and Cosmesis?

While the primary goal of shoulder surgery is to improve function and alleviate pain, cosmesis and scarring are also important considerations for many patients. Ask your surgeon about the expected appearance of the surgical incision and how they minimize scarring during the procedure.

– Inquire about the location and length of the incision, as well as techniques used to optimize wound healing and cosmesis.

– Discuss strategies for scar management post-operatively, such as scar massage, silicone gel sheets, and topical treatments to minimize scar visibility.


Navigating the decision to undergo shoulder surgery requires careful consideration and informed discussion with your surgeon. By asking the right questions and seeking clarity on key aspects of the procedure, you can approach surgery with confidence and peace of mind. Remember that open communication and collaboration with your surgeon are essential for achieving the best possible outcome and ensuring a positive surgical experience. If you have any concerns or uncertainties, don’t hesitate to voice them and seek clarification from your surgeon. With a thorough understanding of your treatment plan and realistic expectations for the surgical process, you can embark on your shoulder surgery journey with confidence and optimism.

By: Orthopaedic Medical Group of Tampa Bay